Input: Animal
Riddle: I am an animal with a mane, but I am not a horse. What am I?
Answer: A lion.
Riddle: I am a bird, but I cannot fly. What am I?
Answer: A penguin.
Riddle: I have a shell on my back, but I am not a turtle. What am I?
Answer: A snail.
Riddle: I am a furry animal that hibernates in the winter. What am I?
Answer: A bear.
Riddle: I am a small creature with eight legs and I spin webs. What am I?
Answer: A spider.
Input: Animal
Riddle: I am black and white and loved by many. I am always on time. What am I?
Answer: A panda.
Riddle: I am tall and can run very fast. I have long neck and spots all over my body. What am I?
Answer: A giraffe.
Riddle: I live in the ocean and have a hard shell covering my body. People love to eat me with butter. What am I?
Answer: A lobster.
Riddle: I am small and furry, and I have a long fluffy tail. I like to climb trees and store acorns. What am I?
Answer: A squirrel.
Riddle: I am the king of the jungle, with a mighty roar. I have a beautiful golden mane. What am I?
Answer: A lion.
Input: Animal
Riddle: I am an animal that is black and white and lives in China. Who am I?
Answer: A giant panda.
Riddle: I have a long neck and can reach the tallest trees. Who am I?
Answer: A giraffe.
Riddle: I am an animal that lives in the ocean and has a big fin on my back. Who am I?
Answer: A shark.
Riddle: I am a small bird that can mimic the sounds of other animals. Who am I?
Answer: A parrot.
Riddle: I am an animal with long, floppy ears and a fluffy tail. Who am I?
Answer: A bunny.